Welcome to Kingston & Surbiton Constituency Labour Party

Our Executive Committee:

Chair  – Kezia Coleman

Secretary – Rebecca Way

Vice Chair, Campaigns and Membership – Martin Ellis

Treasurer – Simon Ayre

Women’s Officer – Sarah Finch

Trade Union Liaison Officer – Gavin Pushparajan

Communications and Social Media Officer – Bulcsú Dióssi

Premises Officer – Dave Cooper

LCF: Martin Ellis, Helene Hill, Tony Banks, Kezia Coleman, Nick Draper, Chris Priest, Brian Matthews, Liz Meerabeau, Sarah Finch, Gareth Thomas, Dave Cooper, Sally Richardson, Gerry Jones.

Once you are are a member (find the application by clicking this link), registered supporter or registered affiliate your name and e-mail address can be used by the Chair, Secretary and Vice-Chair Membership of this CLP. You will get regular e-mails about what is happening.

All members are invited to our monthly meetings at 160 London Road Kingston, KT2 6QW. This is where all members can help decide policy, and take part in discussions and debates often introduced by guest speakers.

Kingston and Surbiton Labour members
Kingston and Surbiton Labour members
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